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English version below
Solo dopo l’estrazione dell’uovo
del cigno nero, Alidoro poté far
spazio alle radici dei ceci portatori
di nuova vita. Germogli di foglie
d’oro spuntarono, si coordinarono
a formare le ali, e lei poté librarsi
dalle alte vette solitarie e planare
dolcemente verso le braccia tese di
chi aveva nutrito, atteso e amato
quel miracolo.
“Χρυσοι δ’ερεβινθοι επ’αινονϖν εφύοντο”
“Ceci d’oro crescono sulle alte vette”
Only after extracting the black swan egg, could Alidoro (Goldwings) make room for the roots of the chickpeas, bringing new life. Golden leaf buds sprouted, coordinating to grow wings, and she was able to soar from the high, lonely peaks and gently glide down into the open arms of those who had fed, awaited and loved that miracle. Golden chickpeas grew on the high peaks Alcaeus of Mytilene.